Fifth in a series of shorts featuring Max, the LEGO Club mascot. In this episode, Max cruises down...
LEGO Toy Story – Episode 2: Trash Compactor Chaos
Second in a series of Toy Story stop-motion shorts. Made by Paganomation for in 2010....
LEGO Toy Story – Episode 1: Blast-Off Buzz
First in a series of Toy Story stop-motion shorts. Made by Paganomation for in 2010....
Adventures of Max: City Fire
Fourth in a series of shorts featuring Max, the LEGO Club mascot. In this episode, Max tries to be...
Black Eye Piece
A hip-hop LEGO music video featuring a rather unusual minifig singer. Created by Paganomation for...
Adventures of Max: Atlantis
Third in a series of shorts featuring Max, the LEGO Club mascot. In this episode, Max heads to the...
BUILD! Music Video
In a medieval forest, a simple lumberjack is granted the greatest power of all time. Created by...
Adventures of Max: Power Miners
Second in a series of shorts featuring Max, the LEGO Club mascot. In this episode, Max finds...
Zack, the LEGO Maniac
The music video that heralded the return of "Zack, the LEGO Maniac". Created by Paganomation for...
Adventures of Max: Space Police
First in a series of shorts featuring Max, the LEGO Club mascot. In this episode, Max travels to...
Space Police Log 06: It’s a Trap…
Sixth in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made for LEGO in 2009. Design, Storyboards,...
Space Police Log 05: Ice Cream Stand
Fifth in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made by Paganomation for LEGO in 2009....
Space Police Log 04: H.Q. Briefing
Fourth in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made by Paganomation for LEGO in 2009....
Space Police Log 03: Diner & Donuts
Third in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made by Paganomation for LEGO in 2009....
Space Police Log 02: The Chase
Second in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made by Paganomation for LEGO in 2009....
Space Police Log 01: Interrogation
First in a series of Space Police III animated shorts made by Paganomation for LEGO in 2009....
Two characters learn that the best way to groove to the freshest beats is to mix it up. Design,...